Fugard The Island Full Text

Fugard, Kani, Ntshona's The Island: Antigone as South African Drama

Gordon, Robert J.. 2012. Fugard, Kani, Ntshona's The Island: Antigone as South African Drama. Comparative Drama, 46(3), pp. 379-399. ISSN 0010-4078[Article]

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  • Another comparison is Jean Genet's Death Watch. The premiere was in the Space Theatre in Cape Town with Fugard directing Kani and Ntshona. The title was given as Die Hodoshe Span since any references to Robben Island prison camp would be unacceptable to the government.
  • Currently, the nine islands of the Autonomous Region of the Azores have fossil fuel-fired power stations as the main source of electric power. Each island has an independent electrical system classified as an isolated micro-system, given its size and location. The aim of this paper is to analyse the best set of technologies to have nine sustainable hybrid systems. For this purpose, some.
Official URL: http://muse.jhu.edu/journals/comparative_drama/v04...

Another comparison is Jean Genet's Death Watch. The premiere was in the Space Theatre in Cape Town with Fugard directing Kani and Ntshona. The title was given as Die Hodoshe Span since any references to Robben Island prison camp would be unacceptable to the government.

Fugard The Island Full Text Download

Item Type:


Identification Number (DOI):


postcolonial;Athol Fugard;John Kani;Antigone;Mandela;Robben Island;apartheid.

Departments, Centres and Research Units:


22 September 2012Published

Item ID:


Date Deposited:

01 Aug 2013 10:40

Last Modified:

03 Jul 2017 11:01

Peer Reviewed:

Yes, this version has been peer-reviewed.


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